Teeth cleaning is also known as scaling and root planning. Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth and from the pocket area between the teeth and gums.

A professional dental cleaning twice a year can improve your oral health, increase the longevity of your teeth in the mouth and enhance the appearance of your smile.

At Gnathion Dental Clinic, we use ultrasonic scaler to remove the tartar and AIR-FLOW® to remove the external staining from the teeth.

The AIR-FLOW® method delivers a controlled stream of fine sodium bicarbonate particles to the tooth surface via water spray and compressed air. It is painless, and since the powder taste is masked with lemon, cherry or strawberry, it is more pleasant for the patient in comparison with traditional methods.

It is used to remove dental plaque, soft plaque and discolorations (for example, from cigarettes, coffee and black tea).

During a dental cleaning, you’ll also receive diagnostic and preventive services from your dentist as well as any needed educational information.