If you are a smoker, or coffee, tea, or red wine drinker, an Airflow Polishing treatment could be just what is needed to remove all those stubborn stains. All in just one short appointment.

Under high pressure, in combination with water and sodium bicarbonate particles all the staining is easily removed from the tooth surface. Airflow therapy is usually combined with ultrasonic teeth scaling.

Is a free of pain treatment and the powder has pleasant lemon or strawberry taste.

The treatment is short and takes about 20 minutes and leaves the teeth feeling smoother, cleaner and looking brighter. The Airflow is not a replacement to your routine hygienist appointment and in most of the cases ultrasonic scaling may be necessary to remove and existing tartar prior to the airflow treatment.

Although this treatment is not a tooth whitening therapy, the airflow will significantly improve teeth color and brightness and give you a fresh feeling mouth sensation.